My Friend,
This past week my family and I attended a high school divisional track meet. It was freezing, but we enjoyed seeing so many talented athletes compete as we huddled under layers of blankets. Every once in a while our conversation there in the bleachers would be interrupted as we heard the bang from the starting gun, telling the anticipating athletes it was time to run. And off they’d go.
At one point during the hours of us sitting there, a friend and I found ourselves talking about her son and the encouragement he gave a friend. I mentioned something about him hearing God and responding to God’s nudge. It’s then my friend said something that to this day remains highlighted in my mind. She said, “When someone comes to mind, you pray.”
It was such a straightforward statement, bringing clarity and simplicity to something so powerful. You know what? I think I can handle responding to a little nudge like that - it’s something I can do. I can pray for someone when the Holy Spirit places them on my mind. And although this wasn’t a new revelation to me, it was a succinct reminder. Did you know the Holy Spirit helps us in this way?
Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the Helper. (Love that. God knows this girl can use all the help she can get!) Jesus went on to share a couple examples of what the Holy Spirit does, such as teaching us and reminding us of what He said. It shouldn’t surprise us that the Holy Spirit would bring people to mind, as well, so we can pray for them, partnering with Him as He helps them.
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. John 14:26 ESV